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Things to try when the Sugar Daddy doesn’t want you to meet

Jun 20, 2023 | Tips

You’ve finally found the right potential sugar daddy for your, you’ve chatted, asked questions, exchanged stories and discovered there is chemistry that needs to be further explored between the two of you?!

Then it is time to take the next step in the sugar dating process: the meet and greet. The meet and greet is the name of the first date between a sugar baby and a sugar daddy. It is the next step that a potential sugar couple takes, after you find a sugar daddy online and establish a connection.

The meet and greet is a sign that things have the potential to get serious, so the meet and greet is not set up randomly after a chat or two on a sugar dating app. Instead before deciding on the time and place of your first date, you need to ask the right questions, have the right discussions, see if there is any chemistry or interest between the two of you, and if the answer is satisfactory to all your questions, then you should take the next step and meet face to face.

If the sugar daddy doesn’t want to meet with you that’s a sign that either he is not interested in turning your online chat into something more, or he is still not convinced about the future of your relationship.

If you find sugar daddy online and he doesn’t want to meet with you face to face, first you should exclude the possibility that he is not into you. If the interest is there but the potential sugar daddy is still not 100 percent convinced about meeting you, then there are a few things you could try to help him make up his mind.

To help him decide if he wants to meet with you or not, you can try asking him directly what his concerns are, so that you can answer his questions and reassure him if you can.

You can also try being more personal with your answers, to show more interest, and show him that you are invested in what he is doing and what his interests are.

Another thing you can try to persuade him to move things forward is sending him some photos and videos of yourself, so that he can be hooked by your sweet appearance, and also reassured that your profile is real.

If you find a sugar daddy online and you’ve reached the stage where you plan your first date, make sure that you come prepared. During this first date you need to discuss the transactional aspect of your relationship, things such as boundaries, expectations, compensation, things that are a big no-no and things that are flexible and open to further discussion. This is the time to put your cards on the table and have an honest and open conversation. The more honest and direct you are during your meet and greet the better the chances of the two of you to hit it of and have a long-term sugar baby – sugar daddy relationship.

If the sugar daddy you’ve chatting with online still refuses to discus about meeting you, after all your attempts to convince him that you two match, then it is better to move on to another potential sugar daddy, so that you won’t feel like wasting your time.

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