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How to treat your Sugar Baby

Feb 13, 2023 | Advice

In the Sugar Dating world, finding the right Sugar Baby is THE GOAL, and once you’ve finally found that perfect woman for you, the one that fits your needs and expectations, you must know how to treat her right, so you don’t lose her!

When you find a Sugar Baby, make sure the two of you have a connection and, be clear and out in the open about what you can offer and what you want to obtain out of this arrangement. This way you can be sure you have a keeper!

If you are wondering how should you treat your Sugar Baby, when you’ve finally found her, the answer is quite simple: treat her just as you would treat your sister, your mother or your girlfriend – with RESPECT.

Even though this lady is here as a Sugar Baby, ready to give you her full attention, time, and affection, that doesn’t mean that you should treat her as if you have ownership over her.

So, when you find a Sugar Baby that you really like, follow the Rule of 3:

Rule No1.

Treat her kind.

By being a Sugar Baby that doesn’t make her any less worthy of being treated with respect. And when we say respect, we don’t only refer to the way you choose your words and talk to her, but also show respect towards her personal space and free time, and don’t try to assume that if she’s your Sugar Baby you can just mess up her entire schedule if you decide to be spontaneous and show up unannounced at her door.

Respect also means sticking with the schedule you’ve both decided, and not make her wait around for you.

·   if you need to cancel a date, make sure to let her know as soon as possible.

·   always show up on time when you have a date planned.

·   always let her know in advance about the type of event you are attending and the appropriate dress code, so that she can dress accordingly and prepare for the small talk that is about to take place.

·   always flatter her with a compliment and, show your gentlemen skills by bringing her flowers or a box of chocolates – no matter how small your gift is, the significance behind it is what really matters.

Rule No2.

Show your appreciation.

Just because you’re in a Sugar Baby – Sugar Daddy relationship that doesn’t mean romance is dead. Show her how much you like her, show her how much you appreciate her and the things that she does for you and let her know you see all those things.

Giving your Sugar Baby a surprise gift, no matter how small or symbolic it may be, sending her a thank you message after a lovely night out, compliment the way that she looks or smells, all these things are so meaningful and matter so much for a Sugar Baby, and it cost you so little to be a true gentleman and impress your date.

Rule No3.

Respect your agreement.

Sugar Dating is so different from regular dating because it has some rules set up in advance and some very frank discussions regarding benefits. That’s why, if the two of you had an initial talk, where you’ve mentioned your expectations, make sure to stick to them!

If you promised your Sugar Baby a monthly allowance and some surprise gifts from time to time, make sure to respect your part of the agreement. You can also run the extra mile and do nice things for her, that were not included in your initial arrangement – such as giving her a nice gift on her birthday or buying her tickets to go see her favorite band singing, tickets to the Opera and so on.

If you respect our 3 main rules, you can be sure your Sugar Baby will stick by your side and give you the best Sugar Dating experience you’ve ever had.

Women are not that complicated, they just need to be respected, loved, and appreciated, and when you’ll check all these boxes, you’ll have an incredible lover and friend by your side, supporting and lifting you, boosting your self-esteem and making you feel more confident.

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